Sexual Abuse in the Church

My involvement with FACES, Faiths Against Child Sexual Exploitation, a working group looking at sexual exploitation in the community, has meant I am very attuned to issues of sexual abuse in my own community the church. Over recent years I have as a result used my place as a member of the Church of England’s national governance body, General Synod, to speak out on these issues.

Blog posts here and elsewhere:

August 2020 Was it necessary to escalate concerns about the implementation of safeguarding in the CofE?

July 2020 When a safeguarding referral is made no amount of special pleading should change that

March 2020 When religious leaders fall [on disclosures on Jean Vanier] (on FACES website)

February 2020 Closing the door on a shameful past: the need for a fully rounded response by CofE General Synod to IICSA

January 2020 The Church’s Darkest Secret A response to the BBC2 documentary on abuse by former bishop Peter Ball (On FACES website)

October 2019 Tamar, a victim of sexual abuse A sermon at St Marys Church, Luton